Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tina Fountain Now on Twitter!

Tina Fountain is now on Twitter! Why use Twitter? We thought that Twitter would be a great way to connect with customers as well as other real estate agents. Twitter is basically a mixture of a social networking site and a miniature blog. Each "tweet" can only be 140 characters in length making the posts only a few lines. We have already found many of our past and current customers that are on the Twitter website. Twitter is becoming more and more popular since it is welcoming of all age groups. In recent news, Twitter was used by David Saranga (Israeli ministry of foreign affairs) to announce that they would be the first government to hold a press conference via Twitter about the war. Many bloggers are predicting that more governments will start to do this. Twitter is a great way to connect with friends, family, celebrities, leaders, and even realtors!

If you have a Twitter, please follow us; we love to keep in touch with our fellow bloggers! Our link is