Tina Fountain's website is now offering a new feature where buyers can
search for Atlanta foreclosures and short sales. This market is definitely for buyers and the number of foreclosures and short sales being closed are on the rise. Foreclosures have always been thought as something to be avoided, but since this is a buyers market, foreclosures are in high demand. Short sales and foreclosures can be purchased for a fraction of the original price. Buyers are fond of the short sales and foreclosures because it is the perfect deal: a fast process for a cheap price. With Tina Fountain's new search feature, buyers are now able to perform a custom search to find foreclosures and short sales in the metro Atlanta area.
To access Tina Fountain's new foreclosure search feature, please visit
https://www.tinafountain.com/idx/ and check "Foreclosures only" option located above the search button.
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