Tina Fountain Realtors was featured in a recent article in the
Living in Cobb Factbook 2008, Tina was interviewed by the Marietta Daily Journal and gave some encouraging words to a down housing market. Tina Fountain Realtors steadily remains at the top of the metro Atlanta housing market. So how do we do it? ...with the right price and an extensive marketing plan that attracts qualified buyers. That's right, metro
Atlanta million dollar homes are selling as long as they're priced to fit the economy. But, if your home is not seen by potential buyers, it will not sell. Sellers must work with their agent to get their home sold. Sellers are competing with high end foreclosures that are dominating the buyers right now due to the low offers. With Tina Fountain Realtors strategic marketing plan, you can get your home sold despite the economy.
If you would like more information on listing your home with Tina Fountain Realtors or view
Cobb County homes for sale, please visit
www.tinafountain.com/ or call us at 404.842.1555
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