According to a recent poll conducted by
SmartNumbers, the zip code of 30157 in Cobb County was ranked the highest for growth in combined home sales prices. The 2007 median home sale price for Cobb County homes was $187,000 and in 2008 the median home sale priced jumped up to $263,925. That's a 41.4% change in price! Wow! That is some great news for Cobb County sellers and for other metro Atlanta counties who were included in the study. 30024 of Fulton County was also among the top ranking. Their combined home
sale price increased 17.86% from 2007 to 2008. Among the other counties included were:
Gwinnett, Carrol,
Forsyth, and Hall. The poll is available on the Atlanta Journal Constitutions website.
Tina Fountain Realtors is an
Atlanta real estate company. If we can assist you in selling your home or purchasing a metro Atlanta home for sale, please visit our website at
www.tinafountain.com/ or call us at 404-842-1555.